Thursday, April 3, 2008



Recipe from Kenwood


600 ml (1 pint) milk

1 Vanilla pod split or 5 ml (1 tsp) vanilla essence

4 egg yolks

150 g (5 oz) caster sugar

200 g (7oz) Crème fraiche


1. Pour the milk into a heavy based saucepan, add the vanilla pod, if using and slowly bring almost to the boil. Remove from the heat and leave to infuse. If using vanilla essence just heat the milk then stir in the vanilla essence. Remove vanilla pod.

2. Place the egg yolks and sugar in bowl, whisk together until thick and creamy. Gradually whisk in the milk on minimum speed. Strain back into the pan.

3. Cook over a low heat, stirring continuously, until thick enough to coat the back of a wooden spoon. DO NOT BOIL. Leave to cool then chill. Mix the vanilla custard and crème fraiche together.

4. Place the Ice Cream Maker with the frozen bowl in position and switch to minimum speed. Pour the liquid ice cream mix through the feed tube and churn until it resembles freshly whipped cream.

5. Serve immediately or place in a plastic container and keep frozen, until required. Soften slightly in the fridge or at room temperature, before serving.


Chocolate Creole -> Omit Vanilla and add 225g (8oz) melted plain chocolate to the cooked custard.

Fudge Creole -> Reduce Sugar to 50g (2oz). Melt 450 g (1 lb) fudge with 45ml (3 tbsp) milk over a low heat and add to the cooked custard.


*** Crème Fraiche is A French Variety of cream made from cow’s milk, with a thick consistency and sharp flavour. If unavailable use soured cream as Substitute.


  1. I followed the method 1 – 3 as above.
  2. I used Soured Cream as Substitute.
  3. Since I don’t have the Ice Cream maker, so I Ignore the step 4 & 5. I placed in the Ice Pops Maker and freezed them...
  4. Then ate them.... slurp..slurp...yummy...It’s so good in the hot weather...
  5. If you can’t finish share it to someone else ...^_^...

Enjoy and Be Blessed

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