Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Bento

My Family and I love to wish " HAPPY EASTER"....

Talking about Easter....I made some bentoes with Easter Theme....Easter Bunny....

I made these ones a few weeks's Chicken Steamed Rice

and this one, I made it last night... On the Left Side was Steam Rice mixed with Furikake and on The Right Side was Steam Rice mixed with Furikake for the ears and Steam Rice filled with Pork Mince cooked with Some Soya Sauce, Oyster Sauce, Fish Sauce and Sweet Soya sauce...They served with Octo-sausages, eggs and carrots...

Isn't it a cute chocolate? I didn't make them...Last night John's work mate gave them for my girl...

I thought they are cute and Easter Theme, so took their pics together with my bento..he...he

Have a Blessed Easter....He is ALIVE...

Happy Reading and be blessed...

My 1st Bento

Bento??... Hemm....I don't really know about "Bento"... I thought "Bento" was "Hoka-Hoka Bento"... but I was wrong...he..he.. ....1st time I read and found out about "Bento" from "Gifts From The Kitchen"... then 'cos my curiousity about "Bento"...directly I sent some emails and asked her all about "Bento"...

Since "Bento is a cute or creative Lunch Box"... so I learned about it for my girl...even though she is a toddler... I love to make something cute and creative for her...

In the moment I just make "Bento" for her every Sunday...For her lunch in the Church...

This was my 1st Bento...

Since I didn't have any Bento gears yet so I used some cookie cutters to mold the rice (Hemm..I read for a web about it, but forget what is web's add)...It's a Chicken Steamed Rice and some carrots...Nice.....

I will give you the recipe for "Chicken Steamed Rice" later on...Okay...I promise...

Happy read and be blessed ...(^ _ ^)...