Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Chilli Sardines (Sarden Masak Sambal)

On that time, My hubby bought several cans of Sardines... Everytimes I saw those cans, I wanted to cook it...but a bit confused... what should I cook?.. I wanted to eat something different than I used to cook...googled it.. couldn't find anything... hemm... directly I remembered Ci Ine... She has recipes collection... they are so tasty.. then I sneaked peek on her collection and found "Sarden Sambal Petai"...Hemm.. I liked to try it.. so i cooked it without "Petai"... It's so good ... Yummy.. Try it by yourself...

  • 1 Can (480 gr) Sardines
  • 5 Tbs Rice Flour
  • 1 Tsp Coriander Powder
  • 2 pcs garlic, crushed
  • Salt to Taste
  • A bit of Water
  • Oil for fry

  • 1 pc Onion, Sliced 1/2 cm
  • 1 pc Garlic, Sliced
  • 30 gr Red Chilli, Blended or 2 Tbs Crushed Red Chilli
  • 2 pcs Tomato, Sliced
  • 15 pcs Petai, cut to half


  1. Separate the Sardines with the Sauce
  2. Mix together Rice Flour, Coriander, Crushed Garlic, Salt & A bit of Water, til the mixture is thick enough for coating.
  3. Heat the Oil, Dip the Sardines to the Mixture and fry them in the hot oil til golden color. Remove them and put aside.
  4. Fry Onion, garlic and Crushed Chilli. Put Tomato and the Sardines' Sauce in & Stir them together then "Petai".
  5. Cook til "Petai" are ready then put in the Sardines, Stir them for a few minutes and remove them from stove

**** I didn't put any "Petai".... ços I didn't have them... he..he..

Enjoy and be blessed